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Canopy by example

Canopy - a powerful web automation testing tool designed for F# developers

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Canopy is a powerful web automation testing tool designed for F# developers. Its concise syntax simplifies the process of automating web testing. In this blog post, we'll explore some code examples to showcase the ease and efficiency of Canopy.

Documentation - http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/.
GitHub - https://github.com/lefthandedgoat/canopy
Getting started kit - https://github.com/lefthandedgoat/canopyStarterKit/.
Real world examples - https://github.com/lefthandedgoat/turtletestAutomation

Getting started

To get started just add Canopy and Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver to your project. You will also need Chrome installed.


Let's start with a simple test that opens up the test page.

open canopy.runner.classic
open canopy.configuration
open canopy.classic

canopy.configuration.chromeDir <- System.AppContext.BaseDirectory

start chrome

//this is how you define a test
"open test page" &&& fun _ ->
    //go to url
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"
    //assert that the browser is currently on a url
    on "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

//run all tests

printfn "press [enter] to exit"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore


Now let's add some more tests to showcase the other features of Canopy.

open canopy.runner.classic
open canopy.configuration
open canopy.classic

canopy.configuration.chromeDir <- System.AppContext.BaseDirectory

//this is how you define a test
"open test page" &&& fun _ ->
    start chrome
    //go to url
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"
    //assert that the browser is currently on a url
    on "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

"set firstname" &&& fun _ ->
    start chrome
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

    //set the value to "Jim"
    "#firstName" << "Jim"

    //verify the value was set
    "#firstName" == "Jim"

"click button" &&& fun _ ->
    start chrome
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

    //click button
    click "#button"

    //verify that the text below the button has changed
    "#button_clicked" == "button clicked"

//run all tests

printfn "press [enter] to exit"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

In a real-world testing scenario we might want to perform an action before and after each test (setup/cleanup), so let's refactor our test to do that.

open canopy.runner.classic
open canopy.configuration
open canopy.classic

canopy.configuration.chromeDir <- System.AppContext.BaseDirectory

//will run before every test
before (fun () -> 
    start chrome
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

//will run after every test
after (fun () -> 

//this is how you define a test
"open test page" &&& fun _ ->
    //assert that the browser is currently on a url
    on "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

"set firstname" &&& fun _ ->
    //set the value to "Jim"
    "#firstName" << "Jim"

    //verify the value was set
    "#firstName" == "Jim"

"click button" &&& fun _ ->
    //click button
    click "#button"

    //verify that the text below the button has changed
    "#button_clicked" == "button clicked"

//run all tests

printfn "press [enter] to exit"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

We can also run things once before all of the tests and once after all of the tests with once and lastly.

open canopy.runner.classic
open canopy.configuration
open canopy.classic

canopy.configuration.chromeDir <- System.AppContext.BaseDirectory

//will run once before all of the tests
once (fun () -> 
    start chrome
    url "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

//will run once after all of the tests
lastly (fun () -> 

//this is how you define a test
"open test page" &&& fun _ ->
    //assert that the browser is currently on a url
    on "http://lefthandedgoat.github.io/canopy/testpages/"

"set firstname" &&& fun _ ->
    //set the value to "Jim"
    "#firstName" << "Jim"

    //verify the value was set
    "#firstName" == "Jim"

"click button" &&& fun _ ->
    //click button
    click "#button"

    //verify that the text below the button has changed
    "#button_clicked" == "button clicked"

//run all tests

printfn "press [enter] to exit"
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

Additional mentions

Fast selectors

Canopy provides a bunch of easy-to-use selectors.

css ".name"
xpath "//div/span"
jquery ".name:first"
label "First Name"
text "Last Name"
value "Submit"

Multiple browsers

You can also open multiple browsers.

start firefox
let mainBrowser = browser
start chrome
let secondBrowser = browser
//switch back to mainBrowser after opening secondBrowser
switchTo mainBrowser


Canopy is a valuable tool for automating web testing in F#. Whether you're interacting with web elements, asserting text, or navigating between pages - Canopy simplifies the testing process.