Fue is a library which can be used to render HTML - the idea being that it is very lightweight in a similar vein to Razor, but unlike Razor it has some features which are aimed specifically at F# users.
In order to play around with Fue, I set up a new project using the Giraffe template, added Fue from Nuget, then replaced the existing view with one created using Fue.
The general method for rendering a page using Fue is simple
- Define your HTML skeleton
- Add templated sections using triple curly-braces, e.g.:
{{{ favouriteFood }}}
- Add control flow using attributes, e.g.:
<p fs-if="willRainToday">Looks like rain!</p>
- Feed values, and the template, into Fue!
Like so:
|> add "favouriteFood" "Chocolate cake"
|> add "willRainToday" todaysForecast = Rain
|> fromText template
|> htmlString
Note that the final line - htmlString
- is a function from Giraffe, used to return raw HTML.
Control attributes
When there is content which only needs to be rendered under certain conditions, we can use fs-if
, and optionally also fs-else
For example:
<p fs-if="willRainToday">Looks like rain!</p>
<p fs-else>No rain today!</p>
Or, if the value is a discriminated union, we can use fs-du
and fs-case
type WeatherForecast =
| Sun
| Rain
| Snow
<p fs-du="weatherForecast" fs-case="Sun">Don't forget your shades</p>
<p fs-du="weatherForecast" fs-case="Rain">Bring an umbrella</p>
<p fs-du="weatherForecast" fs-case="Snow">Wrap up warm</p>
We can even pull values out of the DU cases:
type User =
| Anonymous
| LoggedIn of string
<h1 fs-du="user" fs-case="Anonymous">Hello there, whoever you are!</h1>
<h1 fs-du="user" fs-case="LoggedIn(name)">Welcome back, {{{name}}}!</h1>
And if we have a collection which can be iterated over, we can use fs-for
<div fs-for="movie in movies">
<h2>{{{movie.Title}}} ({{{movie.ReleaseYear}}})</h2>
<h3>Director: {{{movie.Director}}}</h3>
The features we have looked at in this post are just a sample; there are other useful things included in Fue which I have not covered here such as implicitly created variables (e.g. $index
when inside a fs-for
tag), record support, and in-template piping.
Due to the manner in which values are provided to the template - i.e. in combination with a string - there is less type safety than some other F# templating libraries, so personally I would avoid using it for very complex HTML rendering scenarios. That said, Fue is refreshingly simple, quick to set up, and delivers on its stated goal of server-side HTML rendering with support for F# constructs such as DUs.
If you are looking for something which is lightweight and simple to use then perhaps give it a try.