Deploying Infrastructure in Azure
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are a great tool, providing the ability to declaratively specify entire application architectures and deploy them in an idempotent, repeatable fashion. However, authoring such templates is a difficult process, typically relying on custom tooling in e.g. Visual Studio. Official schema files exist from Microsoft that aim to provide compile-time checking of your templates, but are rarely kept up to date, meaning that authoring of an ARM templates often becomes an onerous task that is error-prone, difficult to understand and difficult to maintain.
Creating ARM templates the easy way
We've been looking for a way to harness the utility of ARM templates, without the authoring overhead, in a low-cost way. Therefore, we've begun the work on a project we call Farmer, which aims to provide a compile-time safe DSL to rapidly create ARM templates from the Microsoft .NET platform.
Here's an example Farmer "template"
/// Create a web application resource
let myWebApp = webApp {
name "mysuperwebapp"
sku WebApp.Sku.F1
/// The overall ARM template which has the webapp as a resource.
arm {
location NorthEurope
add_resource myWebApp
/// Deploy the template to Azure.
|> Writer.quickDeploy "my-resource-group-name"
This will generate and deploy an ARM template directly into Azure (including a fully configured and linked Application Insights instance), but instead of over 100+ lines over JSON, it's just a few lines of strongly-typed F#. Of course, you can simply generate the ARM template and manage the deployment process yourself!
Using something like F# also brings benefits such as a real programming language which enables use to implement proper logic to control how our template is generated, as well as introduce compile-time safety to ensure that the correct data is entered for specific attributes of a template. The DSL has been designed to prioritise simplicity first, so you don't need to know F# in order to use it!
Find out more
We currently have support for the most common Azure resources including:
- App Service
- Functions
- Cosmos DB
- Storage
- Application Insights.
You can find out more about Farmer on our Github Repository. We're looking forward to hearing your ideas and trying this incubation project out.
Have (fun _ -> Ok())